Import data

Import existing transactions to Sono app from a CSV file

File structure

You can import your existing transactions into Sono app from a CSV file. The CSV file should have the following columns:


The order of the fields are important. Import will not work if you have different order of the columns.

The header row is optional.


This is the ID of the transaction. If ID is empty a transaction ID will be created automatically. Please make sure each ID in the CSV file is unique.

Optional: yes
Format: positive integer or UUID

  • 1
  • 2
  • 1234
  • 2a69c41d-4b46-47b3-b4aa-83f5cbce7978


Date of the transaction. This is the date that the transaction was supposed to be made.

Optional: no
Format: ISO-8601 date

  • 2012-02-27
  • 2012-02-27 13:27:00
  • 2012-02-27 13:27:00.123456789z
  • 2012-02-27 13:27:00,123456789z
  • 20120227 13:27:00
  • 20120227T132700
  • 20120227
  • +20120227
  • 2012-02-27T14Z
  • 2012-02-27T14+00:00


Name of the contact that relates to this transaction. Should enclose with double quotes ("") if contains comma.

Optional: no

Format: String (no more than 32 characters)


  • Andy Tran
  • Thanh Nguyen
  • Nick


Amount of the transaction. If positive meaning that you received this amount. If negative meaning that you gave this amount to a contact.

Optional: no

Format: double


  • 1200
  • 9.99


Currency of the transaction.

Optional: no

Format: ISO-4217 currency code


  • USD
  • VND


Grace amount of the transaction. Should not be negative.

Optional: yes

Format: double


  • 1200
  • 9.99


Due date of the transaction. This is the date that amount is supposed to be paid back. Should not be before date.

Optional: yes
Format: ISO-8601 date

  • 2012-02-27
  • 2012-02-27 13:27:00
  • 2012-02-27 13:27:00.123456789z
  • 2012-02-27 13:27:00,123456789z
  • 20120227 13:27:00
  • 20120227T132700
  • 20120227
  • +20120227
  • 2012-02-27T14Z
  • 2012-02-27T14+00:00


Description for the transaction. Should enclose with double quotes ("") if contains comma.

Optional: yes

Format: String (no more than 128 characters)


  • Nick borrowed to buy his new iPhone
  • "Thanh borrowed to buy his new iPhone, iPad and Macbook"


If you’re importing to a login account, you can only import up to 1000 transactions per file. If you’re using local storage mode, there’s no such limit.

Data overwriting

If you’re importing to a login account, any transactions that have the same IDs with the ones in the CSV file will be overwritten. If you’re using local storage mode, the transactions that have the same IDs with the existing ones will not be imported.